From: Tom
President & CEO
Wisconsin Paper
Group, Inc.
(parent of WPG Shippers Association)
February 19, 2020
Wisconsin Paper Group 2019 In Review
WPG’s 2019 was quite a rollercoaster ride. Financially, WPG met and obtained budget level expectations. But in revenue and tonnage we encountered substantial descending volume. These included factors that were not directly related to WPG but were effects of environment outside of our circle of control.
When a business experiences such changes, they must address core causes and plan strategic responses. Determining concerns using the circle of control model include: 1- In Control, 2- Within Influence and 3- Out of Control. But even if these concerns are outside of your circle of control, they must exist in an awareness mode in order to manage going forward. Examples of these include:
- We can’t control politics . . . but we can influence it.
- We can’t control the economy . . . but we can stay informed on it.
- We can’t control weather . . . but we can plan for it.
An example of within our circle of control is WPG’s business structure. This includes three equally important pillars that as a whole defines WPG. These pivotal business identities are:
- Centric 1: Customers
- Centric 2: Employees
- Centric 3: Carriers
Collectively together they denote WPG as a company “In Control.”
Thank you for your continued support of the Wisconsin Paper Group.
Tom Murray
President & CEO
Wisconsin Paper Group, Inc.